
What is Organic SEO and Its Types

Last time we saw the benefits of seo for your business website, now today we will see what is search engine optimization. How it works, its types and many more. Many people reading this are may be new in seo field.
What is Search Engine?
Search engine is a program which helps to retrieve data, files, images or any documents from most popular search engines on web like Google, Yahoo and Bing etc.
Generally web search engines’ functioning is sending a spider to fetch as countless documents as available. Indexer a program reads these documents and brings it into index.
SEO - Search Engine Optimization
SEO, it is very easy to define seo means Search Engine Optimization. It is the way of optimizing your website using search engines guidelines. It is the way of getting organic, free and natural traffic to your website. It is a method which helps search engine to crawling your website and ranks it in search query.
Search Engine Optimizations Type:
There are mainly two types which used to top the ranking

  1. White Hat SEO or Ethical SEO
  2. Black Hat SEO Or Unethical SEO
There is also Gray Hat seo, Pink Hat seo, which is mixture of White hat seo and black hat seo.

White Hat SEO or Ethical SEO
White Hat SEO is the way of following search engines technique, strategies and tactics for optimizing your website, completely following the guidelines of search engines and focuses human audiences. It also called as Ethical SEO.
White Hat SEO Techniques:

  • Quality Content: Fresh content boost your website, always remember content is king of your website.
  • Structural Markup and Separate Content form: helps search engine to understand the content of webpage.
  • Titles & Meta tag: appropriate titles and Meta tag plays vital role.
  • Keyword Research and Use of Proper Effective Keywords: Use long tail keywords they are most effective.
  • Quality Inbound Linking: Increase good links from other WebPages.
Black Hat SEO or Unethical SEO
Black Hat SEO: is technique of optimizing your website but does not obey the Search Engines guidelines and only focuses on search engines. It also called as Unethical SEO or spamdexing. Back hat seo always results banning your website in search engines.
Black Hat SEO Techniques:
  • Hidden Content: using hidden content within the code, not visible to end user.
  • Gateway Pages: these are basically fake pages designed for only search engines not for end users.
  • Meta Keyword Stuffing and 
  • Link Farming
 Keep reading I will come back to soon with more information related SEO!
AstralKreations is one of the leading website design company and Internet Marketing Company based in Pune, India.